Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Blogger Warning

Blogging is a great pastime. It’s fun, educational and if you really set things up correctly you can build a blog into profitable online business. But here’s a Blogger warning; if you are not careful there are people out there that can take advantage of all your hard work. You do not have to be a commercial blog to be impacted either. Personal Blogs are at risk too.

So what is the Blogger Warning I want to inform you about?

Security. Yes Security.

If you are not careful and know how to blog without taking on undue risks then you are leaving yourself wide open to hacking or other under-hand techniques. You may wonder why someone would want to hack into your Blog. Well some hackers just do it for the fun – for some warped satisfaction of just doing it. Yes I know, most people can’t comprehend why someone would like to take satisfaction form hacking into someone else’s blog and cause untold disruption and harm but they do.

So how do you take this Blogger warning seriously and make sure you limit the potential for any damage? Well, the first thing you need to do is think about your administrators login details for getting into your Wordpress Administration panel. The default user for an administrator is called ‘admin’, well Blogger Warning Alert; CHANGE IT. It doesn’t have to be admin – it can be anything. And do not have a password that is easily cracked. Pick one that is very hard to guess for someone else.

Another thing you can make sure you do so that this Blogger Warning does not haunt you is make sure your Wordpress plugin are up to date. If you have old versions of plugins active on your site you potentially have a security loophole that can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous individuals. Keeping these up todate is an easy matter with Wordpress 2.7 and beyond. If you go into you ‘Manage Plugins’ on your Wordpress Dashboard you get a Blogger message saying which ones have a new version to install. For any that are highlighted it is just a matter of doing a one-click installed and the latest version will be installed for you.

So, if you are an active Blogger you have been warned. Please heed this Blogger Warning and minimise your security risks.

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